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  • Writer's pictureDreaNicole

Humility, the Character Builder

Updated: Feb 27, 2019

Here I am, back at the website and blog discipline. Hopefully it proves to be more consistent than the last time. Well, #WorldChangers, in my time away I've been learning the continual lesson of humility and I've got a few confessions.

Have you ever been humbled? (This is a rhetorical question) As I am sure you probably have. How did you handle the rod of humility? For me it played out in 4 steps. Denial, Anger, Confusion and finally, Confession & Lamenting.

When I started my original website, I did it to check a goal off of my 2018 resolutions list. Naturally, after shifting my social media platforms to reflect a 'bloggers' appeal, I figured - I should do this website thing now. I thought a blog would provide the recognition and validation my heart was longing for. My intentions for starting a blog and creating a website were self-motivated and I believe that is why it originally failed. Truthfully, why I originally failed. Not to worry, #humility came in like an unseen pothole, guiding me to check my alignment.

My intentions for starting a blog and creating a website were self-motivated and I believe that is why it originally failed. Truthfully, why I originally failed.

Public failure creates a unique type of humility. Learning and failing, failing and learning. I am honestly, in the best spot. Humility is good soil to plant your dreams in. I want to continue to allow failure to humble me and turn over the soil my dreams - just as a farmer turns their soil to produce more crops.

As I write this time, it't not for superficial validation or accolades but for others and for myself - to honor the Lord with the gifts He has given.

I hope that as I continue to be diligent in writing that you would be encouraged by what you read.

Welcome to DreaNicole.Co

You are right where you belong.


Drea Nicole

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